Custom Tunes Only: this package does not include a tuning device. This is solely three custom tunes for folks that already have an SCT X4, Livewire, or iTSX tuner.
Once tunes have been ordered, they cannot be refunded!
F150 Lifetime Tunes Program Basically, you'll get free retunes for as long as you own your truck when you buy products that require retuning from Stage 3 Motorsports.
Stage 3's 5 Star Custom Tuning Step-by-Step: 1. Place your order for 5 Star's Custom Tunes. 2. Stage 3 sends you a "blank" tuner without custom tunes. 3. Connect your tuner to your truck and pull its ECU strategy code. 4. Fill out our online tune form with your info. 5. 5 Star creates your tunes, you will be emailed a link to download them. 6. Download 5 Star's tunes to your PC and then load them to your tuner using SCT's Device Updater Software. 7. Load your 5 Star Custom Tune of choice into your F150.
SCT's software is ONLY compatible with Microsoft Windows computers. Once the tunes are successfully loaded onto the tuner, you can tune your truck. If we find that your F150 is behind on its latest TSB strategy updates, we may require you to have your TSB updates performed at your dealership of choice. Read our TSB Update blog post. If you need more information or assistance, check out our F150 Custom Tuning Page.
Warranty vs. Non-Warranty Tune Note: there is no difference in function, horsepower, or torque between Warrantied Custom Tunes and Non-Warrantied Custom Tunes. The only difference between the two, whatsoever, is that Warrantied Tunes will have less parameters (i.e. tire size, gear ratio, etc) open to end-user adjustment. Please call us directly at 623-434-5277 with any questions or concerns.